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hammed will be obliged fo go fo the mountain," he added, con-
temptuously, rising and. ascending the staircase, with becoming
The cal)tain was standing on the wheel-house, with a telescope
apl#lied to his eye, looking af another steamer.
":Hear ye!" commenced the lieutenant-colonel, in a loud
voice, that the cal)tain , who feigned that he was hOt aware of
]ris presence, migh# render fo him due deference. "Hear ye,
captain: you must know that :[ must bave another state-room
for myself and family; the one that bas been shown me is placed
too near the engine; we shall be completely roasted !"
"That would not be pleasant, certainly," said the captain
withou# removing the telescope from his eye.
":Not very pleasant # d–d unpleasant !" replied the lieutenant-
colonel, in great wrath. "But# I should think it was the du#y
of a cal)tain of a steamer to respond fo the wishes of his pas-
sengers with politeness !"
"Yes, certainly, as long as they are modemte."
":Now, if you adroit thaç, procure another state-room for me;
for you certainly cannot find anything more reasonable than
my unwillingness to become an înmate of the leaden chambers
of Venice."
"There are no other state-rooms fo be had; the res# are all
occupied," replied the cal)taln , shortly.
"I have been told, notwithstanding, tha# there is one yet
"But will be taken by a l)erson who bas ordered l#umber 6."
"Bu’# listen! Can #here hOt one be found among the pas-
sengers fo whom the heat would be less troublesome than to
me# You will certainly be so gallantl and consider that––"
"I beg your pardon!" interrupted the cap¢ain; "I can con-
sider nothing but my orders, and that is thc saine to all. As
soon as a state room is cngaged l#y ifs number, if is handed over
ff it is no# yet occupied. The lieutenant-colonel was hot pleascd
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