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upon his haunches, busily engaged in scratching his ear. This
group appeared fo create much interest among the res# of the
passengers. The traveller, however, soon disappeared, with his
comp#nions, down the staircase into the cab[n.
"l#urther conversation concerning the stranger was terminated
by the arrival of the captain, who incluired of the gentlefolks, if
they would hot visit the cloister of Wreta, while the ship was
passing througb the locks, as there was 1)lenty of time to spare.
The proposal was almost universally accepted, and after one or
two of the most timid passengers had properly satisfied them-
selves that the excursion could be ruade while the Thor was
making ifs slothful tri I) through the locks, all feet were put in
motion, and the path to the landing was crowded with fluttering
neckerchiefs, and waving veils. Lieutenant-colonel de Dressen,
and the four other notables composed one 10arty by themselves,
and were among the first ai the landing-place. " The old gen-
tlcmen are no# peculiarly entertaining," thought Amelia, and
suffcred ber gaze fo fall, with much more enjoyment, on the
bcauties of nature, with which the environs of Ostgoetha canal
The assembly now marched in various groups up the green
bill, that rose slightly above the banks of the river. They
passed the powerful lock ga#es, which, like Cyclops of the lower
world, creakingly extended their black arms fo receive the
approaching boat. From the red-coloured buflding on the sum-
mit of the mountain, the eye enjoyed a splendid view, either by
directb#g the gaze backward over the level silent plain, or look-
ing along the smiling borders of the canal, l#Iutely enrapt#tred
af the extreme beauty of the surrounding scenery, one or two of
the passengers remained l#pt in meditation; while the majority
of the assemblage continued their way through the waving fields
of corn, which surrounded the ancien# church.
Amelia experienced a depression of spirits whcn she left God’s
beautiful crcation, and en#ered into the high arched and gloomy
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