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(1852) [MARC] Author: Emilie Flygare-Carlén Translator: Alex L. Krause
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church, and beheld before ber the antiquated ornaments and
holy pictures, suffused with the magie dimness of the twilight.
She thoughç that she hcard decp sighs coming forth from the
graves, over the tablets of which she was walking. But soon
ber young senses werc fascinated with the mos$ lively interest,
npon thê conversation of the old scxton, who was relating all
kinds of queer storics concerning the history of the inmates of
the vaults.
:Bones fallen fo dust, silence, oblivion, and decayed greatness
repose in these still beds; and perhaps many a heart, which bas
battlêd out the terrible strife of human passions, bas now found
here ifs peaceful resting-place.
Among all thê things which Amelia saw, she was most attracted
by the cell of a monk; she could hOt rid herself of the thought
that this little narrow and gloomy room, ifs small round window
blinds, gilded by the rays of the setting sun, had perhaps been
the witness, in former rimes, of the many yearly contentions of
a slowly fading hear#. What an isolated life, and self-denial! It
appeared fo ber active powers of imagination that some one was
moving in the dark col#ner where the confessional chair was
standing; and she imagined a monk in if, and a pcrson kneeling
before him for the purpose of confessing.
The assemblage passed on; Amelia wrapped in ber ch-eams
followed them, no other object having the power fo blot out the
impression which this cell had made upon her; and when the
test of the company had walked through the extensive aisles,
and finally stood before the altar fo heur the sexton relate
another of his remarkable stories, Amelia walkcd back to con_
template the cell more minutcly.
But when she entered the cell, she almost sank to the ground
in astonishment and fright, for did she hot behold the l#hantom
of ber excited fancy befbre ber in reality ? :No, if was no decep-
tion, caused by thc rays of the setting sun, which shone upon
the misty outlines in the dark corner, dimly and doubtfully. A.

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