- Project Runeberg -  Ivar or the Skjuts-Boy /

(1852) [MARC] Author: Emilie Flygare-Carlén Translator: Alex L. Krause
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66 #rrt# SKJUTS-BOY.
inquired ber mother, who had mizsed ber, and had gone fo seek
for ber, and bring ber back fo the rest of the party.
" Alas, mother, I h#ve behaved like a downright goose," said
Amelia, taking ber naother’s arm: " Did you see the gentlemaa
clothed in a black dress, who came oa board this afternoon #"
" Yes, I s#w him just now, bowing over the railing which is
around the old kings’ vaults, l=[e seems fo be melaucholy, but is
nevertheless of au interesting al#pear#nce."
" Cergainly melaucholy, ana awfully gloomy, aeax mamma, I
must confess. ]3ut he was certainly hOt interesting a short rime
ago, when he took it into his head fo crouch into a confessional
box, where he almost fl#ightened me fo death, for I thought one
of the old monks had risea from his grave, fo hear the confes-
sion of a poor sinaer in his last moments."
" #ow can you be so childish #" said ber mother, laughing.
" You might eazily bave thought i# was one of the passengers,
who wished to examine the interior of one of the confessional
boxes. X should like #o l¢now where he lef# his boy in the
"Ah, he is certainly asleep somewhere," said Amelia, turning
around fo look again at the once-imagined monk.
As soon as the party had returned to the Thor, Amelia
hastened down the staircaze fo sew on ber shoe-string, which had
been loosened on ber way home. As she was about openîng the
cabin door, fo obtaîn needle and thread, ber at#entioa was
attracted by a sound, whlch resembled the suppressed weeping
of a sleeping child.
" Alaz ! that is certaînly the little boy," though# Amelia, and
without reflection she opened the door through which the low
wailing issued.
There indeed lay the new corner, with a flushed and feverish
countenance, seeming to contend with an evil dreaoE tte
in a sta#e between sleep and wakefulness, and alterna#ely exclaim-
ing " Papa ! papa ! Dian# 1 Diana !" and uneasfly rolled to and

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