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z#s s#Juzs-so£. 67
fro. The dog s#t in s listen#ng position by the boy’s feet, Rud
# whole co#duct showed he w#s #e#sy co#cer#g Ms f#vo#te.
#he# Ameli# e#tered snd #ppro#ched the be#ide, the dog
loeked so wise ##d kno#g, th#t she co#d #ot do otherwise
than reward #m, by #dly stroking #s back. Af#er Chat, she
sas do# on #he edge of Che ##, and t#g the boy’s #m,
began to luH him #to sl#ber.
" I bave had such a bad #eam, papa," s#d Che boy, and as he
bdieved #oelf secure # # father’s a#s, he went to sleep again.
Ame# rema#ed awhile, #o 1#1 #m inCo deeper sleep, com-
pletely occupied with #he pleashg aspect of the boy’s features,
wHch h# res#ed in his sleep a bloom thaC ai oCher t#es was
noC there. #s hair was of a jet black, #vided on #s forehead,
#d fa#ng # naC## ringlets over #s w#te neck, the saine as
# fathe#s.
" You sweet httle boy t" whispered Ameha, and bended over
h# fo take ber l#ve #th a #s, but it was hOt # easy matter
for ber to go ; the httle fellow had #asped with his hand the
ribbon of Ameha’s boxer so strongly, that if w# o#y after
oever# endeavo#s that she w# enabled #o loosen Ms httle
fingers. ###ly she was able fo fise, #d tu#ed to go back to
ber o# state-room, whea a# af once ber eye met the st#nger,
who stood on the t#eshold, suffer#g his loo# to test #dth the
utmost #titude upoa ber. Deeply blushh#g, Ameha #ose.
" I heard the little one cry," said she, # ff fo exc#e herser,
and went tow#’d the door.
" And you were so kind tow#d the str#ger #" #e said no
more, but Ms eyes ev#ced a deeper emotion tl# she had thought
any eyes co#d express. When AmeHa returned to her fatheCs
state-room, she fo#d ber mother engaged # prep##g some
s#ght re#eshmençs.
" Where bave you put the c#e, #ny c#ld !" #id hIad#e de
Dmssen, bu@ se#c#g for it.
" The c#e !" rephed Ameha, #owing p#e with fi’ight, af the
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