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(1852) [MARC] Author: Emilie Flygare-Carlén Translator: Alex L. Krause
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z## SK#trrs-BoY. 69
" Are you yet awake, Sophia ?"
" Yes, my dear ; the files aud the heat "
" Yes, the han#an take them !" inte#pted the lieutenant-
colonel. " But what do you tl#k of our journey#f the
#eople, I mean ?"
"#a# ca# I say abou# if, after such a sho# time ? You
seem fo be much pleased #th the gentlemea you have prese#ted
"#le#ed ! the han#aa take if. They are fo# old wormou#
fellows, who on]y corne ou# fo warm themselves! #noying
people, upon whom I ara #v##g my conversation with peffec#
"#y do you not spare yourself tMs dimgreeable m##ter #"
"Becm#e they belong fo noble fami#es; and, neve#heless,
aside from the# remous awkwaMne#, are des##ble comœeany.
You ought fo become accustomed to such society a# last, and
sho#d no# forget, tha# one is often obliged to hj#e his o#
feelhgs, fo cut a fi#e h the world."
"You bave a#ready done much for your system," rep#ed #
#fe, #th a slight sneer, w#ch co#d hot be seeu oa acco#t of
the rei#ng darkness.
"Yes; I flatter myself #o bave never missed an occ#ion,"
said ¢he #eutea#t-colonel, with # self-laudatory tone. "
you may depend upon if, dear Sop#a, that #thout t#s my
t#ent, we sho#d long ago bave suak fo ¢he lower cl#s of
nob#ty. Instead of that, we bave thus ç# kept upon the sur-
face. Bu# #o ret# fo the commencement of o# conversation
–Have you observed the black-haired str#ger, whom nobody
knows. The fellow does no# look very bad, and #ows how fo
behave, as though he had somet#g fo suppor# him. He bas
such a noble be#ing, that there mus# be noble blood flowhg h
hh vers. He is cert#ly a nobleman; but the only t#g tha#
I ara s#œerised af is, tha# he h# no servant with #."
"You bave none either, my d#."

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