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"Of course I bave not # but I bave my wife and my daughter
with me, while he is dragging along a child with him which
requires nursing. :ge is assuredly a widower."
"tte looks so. tiare you hOt heard what his naine is–or is
his naine not on the passenger-list #"
"Unfortunately I bave not had, as yet, a chance fo look af if;
but to-morrow I will examine the marrer thoroughly. We
must find out whether he is a man of tank, for that is a prin-
cipal condition that he can be allowed fo remain in out company
during the trip."
"Alas! I wish to-morrow had already corne," sighed the good
w oman, fanning herself with ber neckerchief.
"This cooling offis very p]easant," said the lieutenant-colonel;
"I shall now try fo sleep : you may fart me untfl you see that I
have fallen aslcep, for these files and gnats the beasts, almost
flevour one."
Without making a reply, ]ris wife arose, and while ber
thoughts were afar, ber hand, like a machine, moved the hand-
kerchief up and down, until the loud snoring of the lieutenant-
colonel announced that her lord and husband had fallen asleep.
After that 5[adame de Dressen squeezed herself into ber corner
of the sofa» to reflect undisturbedly whether she had not met the
features of the stranger before.
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