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z#s sxJ#S-BOV. 75
snd colour. ]: ruade a gift, out of gratitude, of him, and since
that rime bave hOt been able to obtain one similar fo him."
Ai these words the eyes of the good lady reposed upon Bor-
genstierna, l:]:e had turnd aside fo chatter with his child; but
when his looks met those of h[adame de Dressen, the eyes of
both became resplendent with the liveliest expressions of their
innermost feelings. Theîr lips were silent, and lV[adame de
]:)ressen was a little confused i but all kinds of thoughts were
busy in ber henri, and from that moment, she felt an inte-
test for the stmnger and his child, which seemed to increase in
tenderness the longer they remained together.
In the afternoon M:atala was visited, and during this walk
Amelia became so familiar with the little Alfred, that he would
hOt leave her, and called ber l#s little "Ammy."
Of course Bladen’s grave was also visited, and the lieutenant-
colonel, who never let an opportunity slip of displ#ying his im-
portance, gave an extended story of the merits of this nobleman.
:Fortumutely this theme ai that rime was not worn out, as if is
now; for these reasons the lieutenant-colonel had the pleasant
satisfaction of perceiving that the m#jority of the passengers
listened to him with the closest attention.
"But Alfred troubles you too muchl you are too kind to him,
my young l#dy," said Borgenstierna, and was about calling the
boy away.
"0 no, he is so good, let him; I like children so much," re-
plied Amelia, allowing the boy fo play with the chain, which
she had received from ber mother on the day of ber confirma-
tion, and therefore esteemed if more than all the test of ber
They sat down together on the green swar& Alfred wolfid
hot leave Amelia’s la I) af all, and when his father was about dis-
engaging his little hands from the chain, the li#;tle fellow clung
fo le tighter. Suddenly a link was broken, and _&melia looked
rather distressed ai the accident.
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