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titleuahem !wone ought af leas# find out fo what politîcal
colour my neighbour belonged," thought he.
Borgenstierna’s answers were brief, but quite open and fmnk.
"Aha !" thought the lieutenant-colonel, "he belongs fo the
heroes of liberty, probably there still remains in him some of tho
old leaven which he has not digested since he was a student.
That is a pity–-##eat pity–but if he bas money, and perceives
the necessity of procuring a title for himself, then _2’
At that moment the ladies came up, and the lieutenant-colonel
profited by the opportunity fo introduce them fo #V[r. Borgen-
stierna. The latter saluted them in a cold and dignified manner;
but as soon as Amelia patted the boy on his cheek and said,
"Thank you for the beautiful flowers, my little Alfred," then the
stiff expression which had lain upon his countenance during the
whole conversation vanished, and a ray of joy glittered in his
eyes, as he replied, in a voice moved with emotion,
"Alfred cannot express his thanks, as he should do, for he
knows not, that he bas the happiness of possessing another pro-
tector, besides his father, and old Diana."
Amelia turned round fo ber parents, and told them frankly
the import of these words. She had heard the boy weeping in
his sleep, and had entered the apartment fo quiet him.
"He usually sleeps very quietly and soundly during the first
houm," said Borgenstierna, "but the uneasiness which came
over me, even after my shor# absence, ruade me think that he
might be awake, and that was also the cause why I returned so
The arriva] of the remainder of the company gave the l#eu-
tenant-colonel an opportunity fo apply his rime in a proper
manner also, and he began fo show his social powers #ith them,
but l#Iadame de Dressen took ber seat beside #Borgenstierna,
and’k#ndly patted Diana’s old wrinkled head.
« I ara very fond of dogs," said she; « I once owned one,
although if was long ago, #vho resembled this one both in naine
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