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This naine called up in Borgenstierna’s breast a more friendly
feeling, but he did hot forger the lieutenant-coloneh
W#ne# the family De Dressen arrived af Stroemstad on the
following forenoon, they found that Borgenstierna had taken
care to find suitable rooms for them, but had hot en##uged them
for certainl for, on account of their nearness to the bathing.
rooms, the price was rather high. The lieutenant-colonel con-.
sulted with his wffe concerning them, who did hOt find them
very pleasant, having first received from him a concealed wink.
They appeared tobe damp, and not altogether fo their taste, as
was almost always the case with all rooms of a very high pricel and
for these reasons our guesç hired a room on the other side of the
bridge, where lodgings were cheaper, and where, aside from that,
according to the pretension of the lieutenant-colonel, the sea air
blew fresher and hot so sharp; which would be mucl# better for
the state of his wife’s health.
"The first thing we now bave fo do," said he, after the
family had taken possession of their new lodging, and he had
sat himself down fo the table, counting over the expense he had
been fo heretofore, as well as the present state of his purse–-
"the first, as I bave sa]d, is–330–that one–340–should bave
inscribed himself in the–350–soirée–list–388 Ex-dollars, 35
shfllings; that was a cursed dear trip; the journey here bas
already cost us 111 rix-dollars and 36 shillings. If we add fo
that the journey home and the voiteur, no# much will remain to
lire here in the bathing-place and create a noise; but, I hope fo
God, that in a future course of affairs, something will occur fo
fil1 up the vacancy, which bas been caused by our début. I shall
bave fo be on the look-out. I ara now going fo the assembly
bouse, and will inser# #ny naine in the lis#, and be informed
whether the bathing party dines ai table d’bote, or whether the
single familles are fo be served in .their own rooms."
"Both will be rather dear," observed his wife. "Can’t we
bave our own mess #"
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