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«By no means. Out own mess! I)o you believe that peol#le
of fashion should trouble themselves thus # Ho, I say, that #vill
nol do!"
"But, the waiter told me, when I incluired for the table
l#rices, that if was very dear ai the hotel; and, therefore, people
of the highest ral#k kept their own kitchen."
"Oh! that changes the question; if that is the fashion, then
I bave no objection. Fashion must not be thrown aside alto-
gerber; by it I can save ai least one Ex-dollar .Banco, perhaps
two rix-dollars rix-money, which would be very agreeable to my
#When the lieutenant-colonel entered the assembly saloon, hall
an hour afterward, his first look fell upon Borgenstierna, who
was walking up and down the room, arm-in-arm with a gentle-
man, hOt only of prepossessing, but even fine appearance.
]#Ir. De Dressen was too cautious, however, to manifest his
acquaintance with Borgenstierna before he had obtained for
himself what is called firm footing in society, or had becomo
convinced that the gentleman with #¢hom the other was con-
versing in such a familiar manner, was, ai least, a man of some
distinction. He changed his naind, however, when an old
officer, whom he heard styled as Baron Lindenskoeld, approached
the two gentlemen in a familiar manner.
"I shall bave fo leave you now," said the gentleman, and left
Borgenstierna’s arm. "When shall I meet you ai home,
brother #"
"This evening, if convenient," replied the other; and, with a
hearty shake of the hand, the friends separated. It was nearly
noon, and the society in the assembly-rooms had mostly dis-
appeared The lieutenant-colonel had no further fear that he
would expose himself; and therefore v¢alked up fo Borgensçierna,
who sat near the window with Baron IAndenskoeld, and thanked
him for the trouble ha had had in obtaining for him rooms, which
he had hot, however, found entirely as he wished them. In the
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