- Project Runeberg -  Ivar or the Skjuts-Boy /

(1852) [MARC] Author: Emilie Flygare-Carlén Translator: Alex L. Krause
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apl»ointment as an oflïcer of the crown obtained for me the title
of asse##or, but why should we dispute about such trifles, when
we bave more important subjects fo discuss. I ara very anxious
fo hear of your adventures since we last met. About the dif-
ference in our ol»inions wc shall talk ata future rime."
"Very well; my adventures are neither very extensive nor
remarkable; but I shall relate so much of them as will be fit to
excite hOt only your interest, but which bave also the most
influence on my own mind.
"You know I lefç Master Brun’s house fo commence the
customary wanderings. During that tîme I fared very il]; but
I learned fo understand mankind much better than from books#
and for that reason the journey was undoubtedly very useful fo
me. _&fter travelling three years, the majority of which rime I
Sl»ent in foreign tannerics, I considered myself, as an experienced
journeyman tanner, fo be able to find employmen# af home, and
for that reason returned fo Sweden.
"At Orebro I received employment, but had noç been there
six months when a merchant, who did much business with our
tannery, and therefore knew me well, ruade a proposition fo me
fo enter into the service of a landed proprietor, who had a tan-
nery on his estate, and required a skilful tanner fo oversee if.
You can well imagine that I accel»ted this proposal with joy, as
I expected fo enjoy a more pleasant lire, as well as higher wages
than I did af my former place.
"I bave always considered country lire as preferable, and thc
shade of the forest I always loved. From the rime when this
proposal was ruade, fo the rime wlmn I should enjoy this belovecl
freedom, I felt like a bird in the cage. Af length the hour of
relief arrived, but how little did I think, when I first enterecl
the pretty estate of Roestorp, near the shores of the ttjelmar Lake,
that I should once become the toaster of this beautiful estate,
with ifs tanncries, and ifs share in some very rich mines."
"You are rich, thcreforo–what the devil !" interrupted Wirén.

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