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(1852) [MARC] Author: Emilie Flygare-Carlén Translator: Alex L. Krause
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"You are yet the saine as you always were. Nevertheless, I
should bave believed, that as your circunastances haro become
naore laleasant, your state of mind would have taken a lighter and
naore gay turn. Ut)on my honour, Bi:aster Brun’s aI)l#rentice-
boy is hot fo be recognised in you any longer."
Ivar interrupted hina with a stalle, and said, "Ay! co#tcern-
ing this, the brown, tawny hides are stfll nay dear cousins; that
naeans fo say, that I naight live without carrying on th#t busi-
ness; but I hure considered if better hot fo do so. That trade
is as good as any other."
"True, indeed; but only as far as nothing better presents
itself for you, af this rime. If seenas ¢o me that you are hot
able fo carry on any trade."
"I ana not doing so, either. The naatter stands thus. Therc
belongs a tannery fo my estate in :Nerika, which I-bave inhe-
rited, together with the whole estate, frona nay father-in-law.
Therefore I am hot exactly a naaster-tanner, for I do hot belong
fo a tanner’s association; but af the sanae tinae I ana one, never-
theless, although they call nae in nay own country, u round
about, the laatroon, as they called my deceased father-in-law."
"It is a ve# T nice ¢hing fo fall heir to an estate and a tan-
nery af ¢hë sanae tinae. :If is truly very agreeable: the title of
laatroon follows as a marrer of course; but why hot r#ther be
called the laroprîctor of a naanufactory#that sounds better
"That naay be so; but there belongs fo nay tannery no manu-
facturing privileges. You see, therefore, that I naight as well
be called by my people the l#atroon, although that title is no#
due to nae here in a strange place. As little as I ara called a
tanner, which I really ana, so little do I wish to be called thc
prol#rietor of a naanufactory. I do hOt wish fo be considered
anything else thau what I rcally ana#a frce man."
"All rîght, dcar brother. I hope that as far as that is con-
cerned we are both of the saine opinion. You kno#v that my

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