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"Old Loefoe plainly saw that I did hot like Matflda’s want of
]ove for home; and as she, as X mentioncd before, was kind and
submissive, she gave way, as well as she was able, fo the well-
meaning exhortations of ber father, although the contemptible
interference of her mother always prevented the caxrying out of
this happy dest,. Whether M:atilda’s sentiments were
serious towards me then, as I afterwards dîscovered, ai a future
rime, they were, I cannot tell, for she always avoided my pre-
sence, like a bashful child, who knows that if is pursued by stern
eyes. ]3u# tlfis is certainly true, that if Madame Loefoe had
hot died, which occurrence changed Matilda’s position altogether,
and imposed l#pon ber the whole weight of domestic duties, we
would bave never approached each other.
"#s soon as the girl was withdrawn from the influence of a
weak-minded mother, who could bave destroyed ber better
judgment, she became more natural. During the mourning
season she was still more sofç-hearted; and often wher# I saw
ber weep, and observed, by ber bashful appearance, that she
wished fo conceal ber tears from me, I approached ber in a
manner which would inspire ber with confidence in me. As
soon as she discovered #bat I cared for her, one could easily see
how much more she desired fo render herself agrceable fo me
than formerly. The excessive singing and p]aying on the piano
soon ceased, and the :French romances gave way fo more fitting
reading whlch I had selected for her. In this way the year of
mourning passed over. Although 1V#atilda was always somewha#
ill-looking, and rather dull of comprehension, nevertheless she
always seemed good and devout fo me, and was zealous in the
performance of hcr domestic duties. Aside from that, a spark
of warmer fcclings glowed within ber, and this finally moved
me fo ask ber father for ber hand in marriage.
"Matilda soon afterward became my wife, and with ber I
became the proprietor of the estate of l#oestorp, for nly aged
father-in-law was anxious fo retire from business."
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