- Project Runeberg -  Ivar or the Skjuts-Boy /

(1852) [MARC] Author: Emilie Flygare-Carlén Translator: Alex L. Krause
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"But if you did not love ber, l#oestorp was but a small
recompence," observed Wirdn.
"I never considered it so; for I never married ber for the
sake of ber wealth. X had ai that rime been eight years with
my father-in-law, and my position was such, that I had the
best expectation of an independent future, without being obliged
fo #ve away my liberty for a fortune. Calculating selfishness
had never bcen the measure of my actions; but accustomed fo
treat Matilda as a sister, even ai the rime when she dreamed if
the least, and movcd by the old man’s confidence, fo which I
was indebted for my rising in the world, if recluired no other
reason than to prepare that joy for him, which #vas his only wish
in this world; and even if my marriage with h]:atilda was hot
that which, in a higher sense of the word, is called happy,
because our views, or pcrhaps our f#elings also, did hot precisely
agrce, if could by no means be called an unhappy connexion;
and I ara of thc firm conviction that if hlatilda had remained as
nature had created her, simple, plain, and unable to comprehend
an#oEhing except what ber senses and ber reason ##ught ber, she
would bave filled in a higher degree the room which she occupied
within my hcart. But that unfortunate half-education was the
cause of ber halfness in everything, and the cause of ber uncouth
actions,.doings, and behaviour in lire, #vhich is hot seldom the
unavoidablc and injurious consequence of undigested knowledge.
Al’ter the death of my fathcr-in-lawmwhich sad occurrence
happened about a ycar after my wedding#I engaged an over-
seer, I»a##ly for the purpose of being able to indulge in my studies
in an easier and more free manner, which studies were in ac-
cordance #vith my position and inclination, and partly for the
purpose of carrying out 2#]:atilda’s long-entertained desire of
making a journey into forei## countries. She much needed,
after ber f#ther’s death, something fo OE#tract ber from ber
grief; for his death had caused ber much sadnessj and aside
from that, I entertained the hope that a journey into foreign

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