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season. I bave not altogether yet ruade up my mind about it;
but then, I sh#ll repay him the lashes–of that you may be
assured. ]3ut now, be so kind as to be silen# about if; I ara not
accustomed to do a thing in a hurry, and must reflect."
" Ordy one word more: does the girl please you ? If she does,
you will marry ber, and afterward "
"Be silent ! not so rash, you hot-brained mor#al ! You bave
not yet scen hcr even, and I . :’
"Yes, you/ you are hot indiffcrent toward ber. :!: shall not
permit you to tla’ow sand into my eyes about that, but now will
tell you that I bave scen hcr, although as they were passing by,
v¢hen they v¢ent home last night from the soirSe. I will com#
municate to you, far#her, that she bas already a lover–the
r]chest, but, af thc s#me rime, the most foolish, scapegoat who
was ever sent by his dcar parents fo a bath, fo make a.furore."
"Who is he #"
"Yes, Ira ]s his de#tr ç#ther’s son, and his papa understand#
how to procure for his heir-apparent, before his original vulgar
Goesse, the little word "1)e," and the patent of chamberlain.
Ai the acadcmy he bas undergone l#recious adventures.
had nothing less in his mind than to become a doctor, and his
inau#mlral address tUlamd out in about the same way as that of thc
Curir Jacob Pankrazius, of lleaven and Earth, whose biog#aphy
out witty Cederborgh h#ts so humorously described. #[r. I)#
Goesse h#d a tutor, who w#s conce#led during the solemn ex#-
mination behb#d the spcakcr’s stand, between the legs of our
worthy respondent, for which purpose the forbearauce of the
presidcnt h’td been gaincd some way or another. Af every
question put fo the aspir#nt for doctorship, he bcnt down and
obtahmd #dvicc from his subterrancan oracle. Although there
#rose ïrom the auditory much suspicion, Inurmuri, ng, and
hilarîty af this proceeding, he ncvcrthcless passed his ’specimen
eruditionis ,’umma cure laude.’ Mr. De Goe#s# did hot make ose
of his doctorslfip. I]:e laid all furthcr studies Ul)On the sheff,
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