- Project Runeberg -  Ivar or the Skjuts-Boy /

(1852) [MARC] Author: Emilie Flygare-Carlén Translator: Alex L. Krause
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«#By no means, brother; the little fellow’s message bas almost
created bad thoughts within me. One does hOt show such
civilities to ladies, if their opinion is indilfercnt fo him."
#Borgenstierns blushcd slightly, and said, hot without some
anger, "),l.y acquaintance with #i:iss De Dressen is about eight
days old."
"And I ara of the opinion," interrupted bVirén, "that one
does hot re(luire more than eight hours to fall in love. Yes,
sometimes hot more than eight minutes."
"That I leave to every fool who bas tlu-own away lfis inclina-
tions all of s suddenm[ shall never follow such an example.
For the rest, the father of #Iiss De I)ressen is the most over-
bearing man who bas ever borne a noble naine; and besides
that, I consider him the most ridiculous iool, whom I ara no$
able to esteem for a peculiar reason."
"Well, the father îs one thing–the dsughter another–-
therefore "
"Yes, and for that very reason you must draw no conclu-
sions," interrupted Borgenstieras, with some warmth. "For the
reason why I am interested in the girl is, tha$ if was her and
ber mother whom I accompanied and protected st the time
when I was a skjuts-t)oy af Swarteborg, as I have related fo you
already several rimes. You also know that I received Diana
from them."
"0 thousands ! that is almost s romance ! #Iadame De Dressen
is the pretty, pale German lady with the little girl #"
"Certainly; and ber father is the saine courier-officer who
trested me, in the year 1814, with the lashes of his whip,
because I dsred fo be a skjuts-boy with a noble naine. The
well-educsted nobleman best an ignorant, defenceless boy,
because he had no ides what a ticklish thing s noble naine is."
"t te may go to - . ]3ut you bave probably put him fo
shame, and shown him what bas become of the skjuts-boy #"
"]3y no means# he shall smell that at ## mor# appropriate

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