- Project Runeberg -  Ivar or the Skjuts-Boy /

(1852) [MARC] Author: Emilie Flygare-Carlén Translator: Alex L. Krause
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ness, and with an eternal equa]ity of tone, ’yes’ or ’no,’ ’very
wcll,’ ’ all right,’ ’ as you please,’–it is nevertheless an impossi-
bility to gain from hcr, evcu in the most çami]iar hours, anything
but the mos# common and the mosC terse words.
"Think now of a man of gaiety, with my w#rm heaxt, chained
toa woman who never replies even to one of those tender words
which I lavish upon ber, and you bave the picture of a descrt,
where the wanderer perceives a clear, brigh# spring in thc
neighbourhood, but must be satisfied fo ravish it ag a distance
nvith longing gaze–for he is separated from it by a wide and
deep gulf. He rn#y even consume with bm’ning thirst, while
the quiet surface of the well remains nearly placid, almost as
though by rnaliccmthere you bave thc picture of ¥irginia’s
"And yet I love my wife, love ber with unspeak#ble tender-
ness." Here Wirgn’s words sank fo their softest roues–" If is
a weakness of mine thus fo adore ber; but you can imagine
wh#C pangs of hell I eXl»erience with such feelings, fo behold
ber constantly in the eternally equal state of placidity."
"That is sgr#nge indced," said Ivar, reflecting. "I ara
anxious fo sec ¥irginia, and convince myself whether your de-
scription is hOt exaggerated. Those kind of women are scarce,
and the man is to be pigied who bas such a companion for life."
"You shall sec ber. Corne this afternoon at rive o’clock, and
I will introduce you to ber. kg six o’clock the fishing party
commences; but you had better go, before dinner, to De Dres-
sen’s, and persuade him fo join in the party; I will inform 1V[r.
De Goesse of it, who must go with us to add to the fun. That
the baron will join the party is a magter of course."
"But your wife is not acquainted wigh ghe De Dressens."
t’Pshaw! that makes no difference; she is col’..tented with
everything I propose fo ber. Ai dinner I shall simply say to
her, ’ The friend of whom I bave Sl»oken , and the family De
Dressen, whom you saw yesterday ai the soirée, will take part

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