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in our fishing l#arty this evening. ]: believe you #vill bave no
objection fo if, dear Virgini#t ]’. Then she #vill answer, ’ Not in
the least,’ and that in the saine tone which she uses when she
dcmands a glass of water from the servant. This is always her
custom; shc is so much habituated fo silence, that no# the
slightest contradiction wfll enter ber mind."
"Wcll, be i# upon yom" own risk; where shall I bid De
:Dressen go #"
"To the toll-bridge, l#recisely af six o’clock. ]3ring your little
one with you; thc sea is celoEainly good for him, and it wfll be a
pretty sigh# to witness dcar Ammy play mamma."
" Go away with your jolies," inte#Tul)ted Ivar, half angry.
"I bave found you aa orderly boy, with #vhom Alfred is much
loleased, and rather than. :’
"Keep stfll," cried Wîr6n, "you m#y compose yourself. If
my wife îs of the party, it always appears as though a mist was
over my eyesl yes, no# seldom over my soul. In the me#ntime,
farewell–-au q’evoi#; this evening."
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