- Project Runeberg -  Ivar or the Skjuts-Boy /

(1852) [MARC] Author: Emilie Flygare-Carlén Translator: Alex L. Krause
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108 #rtE sr:#uTs-no#r.
mistake of the boy, although she was glad that he had caught
another idea. Madame De Dressen buttoned her bathing-gown,
put on her bonnet, Amelia l»laccd the cloak around ber, and with
the little bundle of napkins, ber mother steppcd on ber way.
On the bridge she met Borgcnstierna, who entreated to be
allowed to accompany ber a short distance. During thc walk,
he praycd that the De Dressen ïamfly would 1)articipa#e in a
pleasure drive and fishing party. The party would consist ordy
of Assessor Wir5n and lady, Baron Lindenskoeld, and Chamber-
lain De Goesse.
1Vfadame De Dressen i)olitely thanked Borgenstierna for his
kindness, and hol#ed that ber husband had hot ruade any other
engagement which mighb prevent them from taking part in the
proi)osed excursion. After that she expressed ber joy at the
hope of meeting such an exceedingly charming woman as ]#[adame
#Virén, aa#d assurcd him, that in her whole life she had never
seen such a beautiful woman, coml31aining only that the latter
was so exceedingly silent.
"#’or my part," said she, wîth a good-natured smile, "I do
certainly hot belong to the loquacious tribc; but ZIadume Wirén,
nevertheless, excels me by far in thc art of silence."
They had no##r arrived af the corner of Long-street, and Ivar
took leave, to liberatc, with ber ga’ucious permission, the young
lady from her little tormentor.
"But you must hot depart before I return home–by no
means. Z[y husband, in the meantime, will corne home also,
and we shall hear what he says concerning the fishing party."
"I shall bave the honour to a#vait your return," replied ]3or-
genstierna, dei)arting with a cluicker step than he had used in
going down the street.
Dtu’ing all tlEs rime Alfred, who had awakened very early
that morning, had complaincd, toward noon, of heat and extreme
slcepiness; and as he was now alone with Amelia, he laid his
head upon her lal, , and entrcatcd her to tcll him a l»retty story.

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