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Amelia immediately commenced the very intercsting story of
the "Yellow #Vater and the Singing Birds ;" but as much pains
as Alfred took to listen fo ber, with open eyes and ears, he, never-
theless, once in a while fell into a doze. As often, however, as
Amelia suffcred ber thoughts fo roam front the subject, he cried,
, impatientlyw
"Tell me, tell me farther, Ammy; I bave my eyes closed on]y;
X am hot asleep."
And she continued fo relate to him pretty stories, until, af
length, a knock was hcard at the door, and immediately after-
ward, l#Ir. Borgenstierna entered.
As Alfred was by no means inclined fo give up his comfortable
position, Amelia was only able to half salure the entering gentle-
man, and hardly had she answered Ivar’s question concerning ber
health, when ber peevish little favourite exclaimed–-
"Papa, you ought fo hear once what pretty stories Ammy
knows. Tell Mm, Ammy."
But to relate children’s stories, such ridiculous, unmeaning
stuff, in presencc of the reserved Borgenstierna, Amelia could
hot make up ber mind, and in spite of the most ttrgent entreaties
of the boy, she remained faithful to ber refusal. He soon fell
into a quiet slumber, although ]te still held his little head on
Amelia’s lap.
Borgenstierna #t opposite them. Amelia had never before
appeared to him as she now did. She looked very charming
indeed, as she sat there, in beautiful confusion, caused by the
motherly 13ar# she was obliged fo perform, and singing lowly, so
that she would hot be obliged fo converse or look up.
A sweet and powerful sentiment thrilled through Borgen-
stierna’s breas¢, moving every fibre #o fresh exer#ion, and aroused
by ¢hese raeans the frozen spirits of lire from their slumber.
Their silence, however, had already lasted #oo long–if had
trans#essed the forms of politeness; and, although Ivar looked
upon outward forms far less than other people, an inner voice
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