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TI#E SKJUTS-BO#/", 111
Thc lieutenant-colonel threw an ireful look upon his daughter,
and angrily replied–
"Then I shall give you lessons in riding, commencing to-
morrow; and you will then accoml#any the next party on horse-
Ne then turned towards Borgenstiel#a, fo give him the
opportunity of saying something which would turn the conver-
sation fo another subject. ]3orgenstierna now delivered his
message with due solemnity; and when the lieutenant-colonel
heard that Baron Lindenskoeld and the Chamberlain De Goesse
were fo bc of the party, he willingly consented, for himself as
well as his ladies.
X-]:is wife returned home a short rime after; and after they had
chatted a shor# rime about the coming afternoon’s enter#ainment,
about bathing, the bathing guests, the saloon, and the weather,
:Borgenstierna went to the sofa fo awaken his boy.
#Iadame De Dressen, however, prevcnted Iris doing so, .saying
that the boy would be sleel»y during the whole day. She pro-
posed that _#lfred should remaiil with her, and she would then
take him fo the toll-bridge.
The lieutenant-colonel was very polite, and of the saine opin.ion
–for he had, as was natural, not quite ruade up his mind which
of hîs daughter’s loyers should be the favoured one; for the pre-
sent, by all means, both should be taken regularly in tow during
the bathing season; and if, in the meantime, a third or fourth
could be picked up–well, why not# The lieutenant-colonel
calculated that the more gallants a lady had the more she would
become celebrated–and fo bccome celebrated was a vcry fine
and laudable endeavour.
In conseciuence of a natural connexion of thoughts, ho now
suddenly remembered that his v¢ife had always been exceedingly
fond of children, and Borgenstierna would oblige them vexy
much if he would leave little 2klfred there still longer.
:Not without many objections, Ivar was finally obliged, t# hîs
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