- Project Runeberg -  Ivar or the Skjuts-Boy /

(1852) [MARC] Author: Emilie Flygare-Carlén Translator: Alex L. Krause
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1 I0 Trw. SK##rs-#o#’.
told him that Amelia might possibly draw from the eontinued
silence #rarious kinds of conclusions, whieh would be better, ai
least, for ber hOt fo do.
"_Alfred troubles you too mueh, indeed; will you pe#:nlit me
fo lay him on the other side of the sofa? I should think that
you would be quite fatigued from bending over so long, my
lady !"
I-Iere ]3orgenstierna approaehed her; 2kmelia, however, feared
that his assistance would render the evil st#ll worse. #he ,#rose,
therefore; and, laying the boy on the sort pillow, spread ber veil
over his face fo proteet him from the files, •
""#Vhat shall I s#y fo this mute man?" thought she, as she
eontinued fo busy herself about _A_lfi-ed. ]3ut ber confusion was
soon fo bave an end. Suddenly ber father’s well-known steps
were heard in the hall; and when _A_melia tm’ned around, ber
father stood in the room.
"2kh ! your obedient servant, 1Vit. ]3orgenstierna ! #ery glad fo
see you, I though# of visiting you tlfis forenoon; but bave been
engaged until this very moment. My friends, the Count S#
and gay Baron CL ., bave detained me ai the billLurd-table–
one who bas so many acquaintances as I, may always bc surc of
finding friends everywhere. ]3ut what shall we do this after-
noon? This is not the day for the soirC. YVe migh# takc a
ride on horseback. You do hOt ride very badly, 2kmelia; and
besides this, the Chamberlain De Goesse has told roc that one of
his horses was ai your disposal as offen as you wish to make usc
of it–it is one of the most quie# animals in the wor]d. A d–-d
gay bird is that ]Vlr. De Goesse#always flfll of mirth and good
spirits; he bas the chips, also he certuinly wcighs his three
tons of gold.:’
"If is some rime since I occupied myself in riding#whea
Lears rode the horses into thc water. I am afr#id, therefore, I
would hOt make a very pretty figure as an Amazon," observed
Amelia, with a laugh.

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