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AT the stroke of rive, Ivar entered Wirén’s house, and round
the latter with Baron Lindenskoeld in the inner room, with a
glass of water before each of them, and pipes in their mouths.
"Well; bave the De Dressens consented ]" inquired Wirén,
after saluting his fricnd.
"They received the invitation with thanks, and will appear ai
the proper rime."
":Now that is capital. But where is your boy #"
"l#Iadame de Drea#en was so kind as fo take him along with
her," answered Ivar, in a tone which was intended fo be indif-
ferent; but which, on the contmry, came out very bashfully.
Wirén smiled. Without making any further remarks, he left
Ivar with :Baron Lindenskoeld, and went into an adjoining room
fo announce Borgenstierna fo his wiib.
Baron Lindenskoeld was one of those friendly, splendid old
men, who are true pearls fo every class in society. An old
bachelor, he lived, having considerable wealth, just as he saw fit
–now in the gay circles of the capital, now in the isolated lire of
a country village. He occupied his rime with himself and
litera##] occupations, or lived in a pleasant house in the country.
Every year, however, he visited one of the mineral springs, or a
bathing-placc. As he had now been spending a few weeks in
Wirdn’s house, where thc gay host, the b#autfful hostess, and the
strict order which rei#md supreme, wcre peculiar fo hîs taste, he
resolved fo accompany the family on their bathing trip; and ff
the lady did hOt appear to be more than a beautfful statue, ber
husband, on the other side, had all the more life and social clualities.
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