- Project Runeberg -  Ivar or the Skjuts-Boy /

(1852) [MARC] Author: Emilie Flygare-Carlén Translator: Alex L. Krause
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114 zr#s SKJUTS-BOY.
"The fishing parties are well conducted here," said the baron,
t#king seveml fish-hooks from the table, a#d ex#mining them.
"Stroemstad is a l#rctty place. For my part, I always feel well
bore, and bave n#ver eaten anything better than the precious
whiting, which one catchcs himself."
":But the country," intelTupted Borgenstierna, for #he purpose
of taking pm’t in the conversation, also, "does hot seem fo offer
"Certainly, if does: and a great deal, too. You must no$
become weary of sceking for it. If you are fond of excursions
on watcr, or land, I should be much pleased, as the elder guest,
fo show you all ¢ha# is to be secn. We shall visit the Yster
cave, a very rcmarkablc place, into which I bave a grea# desire
fo dcscend, fo examine what if conccals in its depth. On all of
the mountains you will find ttucnenpots (large round holes).
Af ter a difl]cul#, bu# well-rewardcd wandcring, you reach the
spring, discovered by Charles the Twelf#h, #vlfich contains the
most excellent water in the world. Thcre, look yourself; see
what beautiful water, clear and bright as crystal ! ¥ou can find
nowhere any better. Besides that, Stroemstad is no# so bad as
many pretend i# fo be. Takc a drive only aromld the island:
fish, hunt, climb upon thc mountains# and hear the strand-boy’s
story, how #orberg boat the :Norman flect, and sent them home
with a long face; and one will find, my dear sir, that this spot,
which accident secms #o bave thrown amidst these cliffs, contains
enough for one to entertain himself, with good company,
only for a short rime, bu# even for the whole summcr."
The old gentleman’s amiable loquaciousness was now inter-
rupted by Wir(m’s return, who stood ia the purlour-door,
inviting Ivar, v¢ith a friendly look, fo enter.
"Don’t lcave me alone," said the baron, placing Ms pipe upon
the table and emptying his glass, "although our charming cham-
berlain will soon be here. I do no# carc to converse with
Ul)On my own responsibility."

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