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Trie SKJ##rs-so] ". 127
orange and a small silver flntit-knifc in ber hand. The old baron
noddcd joyously, and looked roguishly st #l:r. De Goessc, who
assumcd a mournful expression, but nevel#hcless seizcd an orange,
and exclaimed, "Oh, that I w,#s as hal»py a.lso. #ever beforc
bave I scen such white fingcrs which knew bettcr ho#v fo separate
the peel from the heal# than yours." tIighly contented #’ith
this new witty compliment, in #vhich he had succeeded so well,
ho proudly looked around the whole circle.
Amelia heard and saw nothing. Gracefully she placed the
peelcd ora.nge upon the point of the knife, and presented iç fo
the baron, #vho with the liber#y #vhich is allowed fo age, patted
ber littlc white hand, wlfich had rendered him such charming
Alfred now cried that Ammy should peel one for him also.
She took the boy fo ber side, did as he wished hcr, and cut the
orange into quarters.
" Thaç was done fast, Ammy. #ow, you must bave a piece,
and papa one, and I)iana one."
Amelia took her share, for the l#urpose of complying with the
boy’s desh’e. Borgcnstierna are his l#iece with the utmost com-
placency, but when De Goesse v¢ished fo exchange his whole
orange for the qua-ter #vhich #vas destincd for I)iana, Alfred
refused his prayer roundly# fo the no small secre# joy of Amelia.
I)ut Diana did hot #-ant the orange, she licked it, no# knowing
what to make of the strange bit presentcd fo ber.
"Thcrc, you m,ny bave it," said Alfred fo De Goesse, "Diana
does hOt want #t.""
" Sanctified by the symbol of fidelity, the fruiç is of double
value," sEid the chambcrlain, #vith a tender glance toward Amelia,
and sucked, with long draughts, the bit which the dog had
sneczed at. The pcel he carcfully pug into his pocket-book,
which always reposcd upon his heart.
" Chivalrous in word and deed, #3Ir. Chamberlain," said Wirén,
and thc #vhole pax#y were convulsed with 1,#ughter. Whcn thcy
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