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arose fo take a v¢alk through the avenues, De Goesse hastened
to Amelia and offered ber his arm. A stern look from ber father
told ber that she was unable fo esc#pe this rime. With feelings
of dis#,m#st Amelia placed barely ber two fingers upon the arm
offered to ber by the chamberlain, and as Alfred was tired, and
sut on his f#ther’s arm, she had no w nobody else with whom she
could converse. ]#nraptured that rate had af last f#voured him,
De Goesse gave for#h lfis whole store of imaginary politeness and
wit. l-Ie flattered himself çhat he was entertaining Amelia in
the best mariner, and, as he really succeeded in often causing the
girl fo laugh heartilymas she had hOt lived in the "world" loIig
enough yet, and had hot yet learned how to conceal ber #mpres-
sions in a "fine manner"–the courage of the chamberlain in-
creascd, and he was just about declaring Iris love, when the baron
stepped fo the other side of Amelia, and drew Amelia’s #vhole
attention upon himself, by a speech concerning the neighbourîng
mountains, and by tlmt filled ber with the deepest gratitude.
"The next rime, my dear young lady, you must confide your-
self fo my caxe. Then we wfll fish for ourselves, and climb up
the neighbouring hills, but if is too late to do so to-day, for the
dew begins to wet the grass, and #t is neaxly time fo return home."
The t#vo other ]adies, when spoken to concerning the subject,
#vere also of the saine opinion, and Mademoiselle :Nyquist, who
had taken charge of the lieutenant-colonel altogethcr, and would
hot bave left his arm af any price, voted also for the proposition
to return home, for ber " corns pained and burned ber awfully,"
with which evil, as she remarked, ber friend, the dowager
countess P , was also suffering, into whose circle she offcred
fo introduce the lieutenant-colonel and his family.
At length they again arrived af the bo#t. Alfrcd was unwell,
complained of a headache, and, wcepingly, asked for his Ammy.
"Alas! how h#t your forehead is," suid Amelia, and took the
boy under ber cloak, fo protect him from thc cold and the
evening mist, which began fo rise from the sea.
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