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soon as she came into close contact wi#h him. She was hot able
to be so easy and unconcerncd with him as with other persons,
and was, therefore, heartily glad when the boat landed af the
bridge, and the company sel0arated, after having exchanged
mutual salutations.
l#Iadame de Dressen wrapped ber own shawl around the
sleeping child, and taking him from Amelia’s arms placed him
in Borgenstierna’s, accompanying ber motherly care with a
hearty wish, that she would hot be obliged fo hear on the mor-
row, that ber little f#vourite was really unwell.
With a hasty bow Ivar departed, pressing his child fo his
bosom with the most heterogeneous sentiments.
The chamberlain followed the De Dressen family, and Baron
Lindenskoeld complied with necessity, and conducted ]#ademoi-
selle #yquis# fo ber for#unately hot far distant residence, for in
case he had hot done so, she would bave been without a compa-
nion, as Wirén had already given his wife his arm, and hun-ied
on in advance.
When De Goesse, already mortally in love, was forced fo
renounce the pler#stu-e of going any further with his chosen
one, he asked Che lieutenant-colonel to grant him the honour of
allowing him fo visit him, and af the saine rime invited him fo
the before-mentioned alCeûner.
Amelia was thankfial fo ber Creator, when she ai length laid
ber little head on the pillow. After minutely recalling the
events of the day, she round in her hear# no other perfectly clear
picture than little Alfred, and a dira shadow of his father.
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