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fl#FTER they had finished a gaine ai bflliards, Baron Lindens-
koeld and/kssessor Wirén walked arm in arm up and down the
billiard-room, and conversed i#amiliarly concerning the jokes of
the day before, among which the sea-cat in Mademoiselle
l#yquist’s lap, and De Goesse’s miscalwied cloak-speculation with
his "dryade," reminded them of their breakfast with him.
"If is now rime fo go," #aid the baron.
" Or else we might miss the oysters#" said the assessor.
"A.nd the champagne."
Af their arrival af De Goesse’s residence, they found the hos#
ve1T busy in an-anging the dishes and placing the wine-bottles
around the table; two faculties in which the chamberlain showed
much artistic ski]l.
"Beg your pardon, gentlemen," said De Goesse, in an
portant tone, "my presence is still necessary here. ¥ou will
bave the kindness, in the mean rime, fo step into my studio."
The baron and the assessor, being the first comers, stepped
into the room pointed out fo them; the room, however, was
nothing but a common sleeping apartment, from which, Wirén,
with his accustomed jocoseness, was led fo conclude that sleep-
ing was the chamberlain’s proper study.
After some search, they found upon a shelf in the corner of
the room, a volume of poems, together with a few quires
letter-paper, and a sflver inkstand. To give the whole a proper
relief, and if possible a learned appearance, two volumes of
Bcrzelius’s Chemistry, and :M:ontesquieu’s" J#sTrit des Zois" were
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