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13# ### S##UTS-#O#.
#vrote a few lines fo :Madame de Dressen, in which he informed
ber of the serious in#sposition of h# son, #d asked for the play-
things which the young lady had h# the kindness fo make for him.
In the me# rime the asse#or ar#ved with the docçor. The
latter round the boy in a dangerous state; #nd Wirén offemd Ms
friend all possible services wMch lay in his power fo perform.
Borgens#ierna was aga# left alone, and hOt much consoled, for
Wirén wished fo adv#e with the doctor whether if w# possible
fo take the boy across the road. #e #w that to Ivar, # a
single man, if was impossible for #m fo nu# h# child in #e
of #ckne#; #d, even sho#d he h# ever so good a #ck-n#e,
he wo#d no# leave, even for a moment, his soffs sick-bed.
#emI w# there no means fo be fo#d fo remedy thé? and
i#tead of wal#ng back to De Goesse’s and # oysters, he wen#
#eoEly home fo Ms wife.
"De# Vir#i#" said he, in the tenderest tone, "Borgen-
stie#a’s little boy # ve# T #. b[y poor #iend is a #dower, as
you #ow, and h# nobody to adv#e or assist him in his sad
position, and no female to extend a he]p#g h#d toward his
sick chfid."
"That # ve# sad," said V#ginia, hOt stopping # her work.
"I# w$ be easy now fo take the chfld somewhere else."
"#ther#" inquh’ed Virginia, with such #m icy expression
of indifference, that W#én, #thout ask#g f#her questions,
took # bat and left the house.
#e avoided the bouse where the chambefla# gave his bre#-
f#t, #d h##ed on over the b#dge fo the re#dence of the
## rapid #ock w# replied to by a friendly "Corne #," #d
in a moment he stood before the benevolent-look#g Madame de
Dressen, who had just retu#ed #om ber bath, #d w# about
a#anging her haï, which, s#pr#ed ai the sudden visit, she
endeavo#ed to push under ber bonnet. W#én entreated p#don
for troubhng them ai such unse#onable hors.
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