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Madame de Dressen asked ]#/s pardon, on account of ber
appearance, and after mulual excuses, ihey
which wa.# cer#ainly lhe wisesl lhing lhey could do.
« I believe thal lhe gentlemen were all al lhe chamberlain’s
lhis mornmg
« I was lhere aiso, but wenl away early fo lool# af#er my
i’Hend ]#orgenslierna."
« O, ceI#ain]yl I also lake the mosl lively inlerest in #Ir.
]#orgenslierna’s misfor#une. I-le appears fo love his son so
much, that if is easy tobe imagined how much he must surfer."
"Yes, my dear lady, you axe right. Deep grief is always
expressed upon his countenance, and this may be the reason why
one feels so much interest in him. A certain melancholy, ai
least seriousness, always oppresses him. I bave known him since
the year 1814."
"Since 1814 !" interrupted ]V[adame de Dressen, quickly
"where did he stay ai that time#"
"Ai Uddevalla. I believe I bave no right fo speak con-
cerning his circum,slances of life ai that lime, as he is generally
silent about il himselfj but many features in his character, which
I can remember from that time, are an assurance to me of the
early nobleness of his heart, accompan]ed with firmness and
seriousness in all which he did. Genuine humanity, ready fo
love ai1, caused tfim often fo do deeds of the greatest mercy
toward enlire strangers. Such are certainly but seldom found
among the class of people with whom he lived ai that rime."
#Iadame de Dressen’s usually pale cheeks were oversprcad with
a slighi blush. "I almosl think thai I must bave seen him at
ihat time," said she, in atone almost sunk down to a whisper.
"I am told so, ai leasl, by a sentiment which reminds me how
many obligations I owe to ihe one of whom he almosl always
makes me think."
"I might almosç be tempted fo entertain the saine thoughi,"
cricd Wirén, "when I notice how much he seems tobe attracted
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