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"Yes, that is just what I told Baron Lindenskoeld, when I
met him the other day. They might only bave given the
marrer an appearance of delicacy, said I; but the old fool hîm-
self is perfectly enrap#ured with the girl. Only think, he did
not hesitate ¢o pretend that lV[iss de Dressen was the most
charming lady in the whole bath. Gentle, as a dove; innocent,
as a lamb; and God knows what more! To sure up, the pert
little minx bas coquetted for ber two loyers. I must add, that
her mother h#s done everything in her power fo play the sister
of charity for the last two weeks. Well, she can, ai least, bave
this praise–that is, she bas spared neither trouble nor pains."
"Yes, there is nothing very bad about such a soothing of one’s
conscience," said the countess, with a smile. "But if might be
hoped, af least for their own sake, that one of the loyers would
bite; for if would be a sad story, if they had made their journey
without success in their object."
"Ay ! we will hope the Lord will bave compassion upon the
prayer of his faithful," snickered Mademoiselle lXlyquist, in a
hysterical voice, and slowly tightening the strings of ber work-
"Is there no other news ?" inquired the countess, as mademoi-
selle, arising, located herself near the window, which presented
a free aspect of the sea, and the vessels which were gliding along
on ifs surface. Mademoiselle Nyquist looked at one of these
vessels with a piercing glance, and if could be seen that some-
thing very important had happened. She heard the question of
the countess, and hastily exclaimed–
"There is the chamberlain ! That’s him; he is riding alone
out in the sea, and bas a gun in his hand. Lord! how he looks
–pale as death–and gray as ashcs. Ah! now something
strikes my mind. When we met each other on the bridge, he
w#s on his way fo De Dressen’s; I saw him with my own eyes,
when he went up the right-hand stairs; and the man appeared
much more crazy than usual, tIe bas proposed for ber, no
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