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"Let us walk fo yotu- lodgings; there we eau talk undisturbed
about the delicate a#air, which cannot well be talked about in
the open streets, as well on aeeount of your own good naine, as
from respect for the reputation of the young lady."
"That is true," said De Goesse j and rau more than walked
until he reached lais residence, where he threw himself, panting
and out of breath, upon the sofa. ":Now say, whag is to be
done # ttow can we manage the matter ?"
"You must make one grand, manly resolution."
"Yes, that I must do," replied de Goesse, "a ça’and, manly
resolution, that’s plain. But what do you mean by it ?"
"First tell me, bave you really proposed fo $’Liss de Dressen #"
"The Lord protect me, how could I bave done so # As I
said before, the lieutenant-colonel wished fo borrow money of
me. I intendcd fo make a proposal of marriage to his daughter
af a later period, and, therefore, thoughg fo appear very polite,
and so carried the money thcre myself."
"Well, they are, therefore, under obligations to you, and this,
in connexion #vith the esteem whlch you will undoubted]y create
in them, by your present mode of action, will, as far as I am
acquainted with women, bave a #eater effect upon the young
lady’s heart than all the compliments you could bestow upon
"Yes, I thought that rnysel£ But what do you think we
had better do #"
"You must order post-horses to-morrow morning ai precisely
rive o’clock. Write a note fo the lieutenant-colonel, which I
will dictate fo you, in which you will let him know, although in
a fine manner, that you felt obliged#ou# of due regard fo the
young lady, as well as a man of honour#to leave the place as
soon as possible, in consequence of the unpleasaut report whlch
had reached the ears of the lieutcnant-colonel, etc., etc. Thîs
resolution will hOt only raise you still more in the opinion of
the De Dressen family, but will also create much attention from
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