- Project Runeberg -  Ivar or the Skjuts-Boy /

(1852) [MARC] Author: Emilie Flygare-Carlén Translator: Alex L. Krause
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society at large; and, once for al1, you bave set an example how
a man of honour should meet calumny and vulgar gossip. You
will be the admired of all admirers throughout lhe whole
season, and people will hot talk of anything else save the high-
minded, whole-souled Chamberlain de Goesse."
"By this proposa1 you express my own thoughts," said De
Goesse, and was highly elevated af the idea of becoming such an
important personage. "]3ur if I travel I should lose the hal)pi-
ness of seeing Amelia."
"And if you remain you will lose ber esteem, and fo all
eternity the holoe of ever calling ber your own. You know the
world well enough yourself to understand that she, as a respect-
able girl, will never be allowed to direct ber eyes toward you,
ff you do not smooth the matter over by an energetic and well-
directed step."
"I$ is ¢rue. I ara of that opinion also: but where shall I
"As far as I ara conccrned," replied the lieutenant, "I had
ruade up my mind fo stay here at least two weeks longer; but,
as your friend, I cannot lcave you i# this critical affair. We
shall, therefore, go to another bathing-place–perhaps to Gus-
tavsborg, and there I shall display the way you acted, in such a
manner, that all young men will throng around you, fo form
your acquaîntance, as though you were super-human."
"Excellent ! excellent ?" exclaimed I)e Goesse, rubbing his
hands in delight. "They shall see that a man like me does no$
allow anybody to dance upon his nose."
"And as for the expenses of our bathing journey in common,
you can be the treasurer, you understand that better than I do.
At the end of the jauni we will coun# up together, for I like,
even with the dearest friends, the utmost punctuality."
"Do me the favour hot to talk about such trifles," hastily
interrupted De Goesse. "I ara no prodigal, but when my
honour is at stake I am hOt miserly. I hope that you do hot

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