- Project Runeberg -  Ivar or the Skjuts-Boy /

(1852) [MARC] Author: Emilie Flygare-Carlén Translator: Alex L. Krause
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" Pshaw !" interrui)ted the lieutenant-colonel. " If one bas
sorrows he musç try to console himself; bu# you bave behaved
in this marrer just as stupidly as in a hundred others. You do
hot know how to pluck the bird, even though you bave it in
your hands ; and I bave now fo surfer, bccause I did hot imme-
diately follow my advantageous plan with the Chamberlain de
Goesse. But that is always the consequence when a person
Iistens fo women’s talk; but this I vow, if the chaJnberlain
cornes back again, he shall bave ber on the spot."
" But, dear Dressen."
" Not any more words. I do hOt wish fo bave made a journey
here for nothing, and fo have expended my money that you
might paddle around in a water-caa-t. You may, for the future,
wash yourself ai home. I should think if was worth the trouble
#o take such a goose with one on a journey..
/k visit which was now announced stopped this flow of elo-
quence ri-oto the polite husbaud; and, afraid that some one
might bave overheard some of these tender expressions, she
• allowed the chocolate-cup which she hcld in ber hand, fo fall
upon the floor, when a low, "Alas !" escaped from ber lil)s.
" Do hot trouble yotu-seff about this trifle, my angel," said the
lieutenant-colonel, soothingly, and with the politeness of an
amiable husband. " Go down, girl, and inquh-e the price of the
The girl returned, and the price was not cheap by any means ;
but the lieutenant-colonel paid it with a smfle–for there was a
visitor announced.

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