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I#¢ that part of Sudermanland which extends towards the
frontiers of East Gothland, there lies, ncar tlm foot of a slight
acclivity, a small hamlet, and a lively little brook gushed
ripplingly over the rocks. #’rom the red-coloured dwelling-
hpusc a beautiful view is presented of a small mountain-inclosed
lake, the shores of which resound with the sound of the axe, and
with the shouting of the lumbcrmen in th# forest, for other
sound is scarcely ever heard, except that of the cuckoo. Tho
country is some distance from inhabited districts. Although,
properly speaking, isolated ïrom the world, the little estate lies
there comfortably and cosily, and many a wandcrer, morc than
once, bas looked ai this little paradise with envious eyes, as it
lies there quîetly between the 1Mne-clad mountains and leaf-
covered hills.
That is Tunefors, the little estate of Lieutenant-colonel de
The fall, with ifs storms, ifs chills, and its thousand domestic
duties, had now arrived. Against the outward storms Tuneor#
was well protected by its situation, as mentioned bcfore; but
if wa#s a pity that the storms inslde were so much the worse ;
and they had hardly corne fo an end after the long j ourney on
water and land.
The lieutenant-colonel unceasingly grumblecl that he had ever
entertained the cursed thought of mortgaging Tunefors, and
cursed a great many other things which had bcen of equal advan-
tage# which, however, we feel that it is p#:oper to be silent
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