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(1852) [MARC] Author: Emilie Flygare-Carlén Translator: Alex L. Krause
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174 #H# SKZC#S-#OY.
devoutly pray that you will favour me with an answer at Loen-
nerupp, near Ctdmar.
"With t.he mos# highes# esteem, I beg leave fo subscribe
")/[y ttigh and Well-born,
"#¢[r. Lieutenant-colonel
,t and Chamberlain’s grace’s
"#ost obedient servant,
"Well, I must say," exclaimed l#Iadame De Dressen, with a
hearty laugh, "ff this is not the most remarkable letter 1 ever
saw in #ny lffe! I)o you really believe that the man bas his
rive senses #"
" Certainly, that is all good and right; but if is now
fashion with young gentlemen fo be rather pathetic, and l#Ir.
I)e Goesse, the poor dupe! who, i# is said, bas hOt inventive
power, screws up his phrases still more high, and in a more con-
fused manner, thaa all the rest. :But here we bave hOt fo do
with the genius of # man only, but with his money, and his
goodwill fo make Amelia happy; and in both cases we bave
guarantee that we will be secured and satisfied."
"Concerning his means," replied h#adame De Dressen, with
certain caution, "if is surely larger by far thau Amelia may
ever expect fo obtain by any other man. But whether he will
be able to make ber happy, that’s another question. And cer-
tainly, dear I)ressen, if Amelia should ever read the letter,
would awaken feelings within ber, which, perhaps, with too
much neglect of ber pecuniary interest, would bave a# injurious
effect upon ber sentiments and actions. I do say if, that if will
stren#hen ber opinion, that the chamberlain, with all his wealth,
is one of the most ridiculous fools who ever tried fo propose for
a girl. By these reasons, you ought fo see–-"
’" Assuredly, dear Sophia, I see everything, and therefore this

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