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chosen of my Leart, the sweet ’ Laura’ of my love, whose praise
I should sing just as inspired as if I owned 1)etrarca’s lyre #
Lerewîth ask you, with the utmost devotion and esteem, to allow
me to propose for ber honourable hand in writing. For this
reason, my personal appearance–which Las often been said fo
resemble that of King CLarles the TwelftL–differs so far from
that great man, tha# tLe chain, which Le refused with horror, is
my higLest aim.
"And if Aurora Koningsmark Lad been the governess of my
thougLts, and ]: had been Charles the Twelfth, X should, never-
theless, hot Lave had the courage fo send Ler away, as he did,
#vLen he... well, if is hot of importance where if was–it is
sufficient that if Las happened, and, as our Listorians tell us,
in a very delicate manner, that a man should be guarded in
conduct toward these masterpieces of creation, I should bave
remained to study the picture a little longer in Learty faith and
love, Let warmest admirer, even Ler devoutly-obedien$ kb#g,
Augustus of l#oland.
"Concerning my worldly goods–-for a frank and open cha-
racter should also look out for material matters–and as X ara
no# of the belief that if would do to live in a subtle, ideal world,
allow me fo say, that, aside from the estate of Loennerupl# , my
anaual income amounts fo rive thousand rix-dollars, banco, and
there is no doubt that ff the family should in the future receive
an increase, my father would add considerably fo if yet.
"As I wish now fo submit fo your high and well-born grace
my tender Leart’s desire, in the most urgent manner I beseech the
l#Ir. Lieutenant-colonel and Chamberlain, to do every thing in
his power to lay my heart-burning and most fiery adorations ai
the feet of Ameli#. I have, furthermore, the honour of as#ing
from ber lady mother, ¢he hand of ber lovely daughter–of the
exalted lady whom I.va.lue so highly and venerate–-whom I, like
an eagle suspended between heaven and the deepest# abyss–
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