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TrrE next morning, when Amelia, without havlng the least
suspicion of the happiness which was awaiting ber, and which
#vas fo brh}g about such a mighty revolution in ber monotonous
life, was standing in all ber innocence before the tire, and was
beating some eggs fo put them over the haro, which was cooking
for papa’s breakfast, she saw the lieutenant-colonel, coming into
the kitchen in TroTria. persona, to obtain a light for his pipe.
"You may bring my breakfast fo my room, dear Amelia ; I
bave something fo do," said he, and looked so surprisingly friendly
and joyful that Amelia was amazed.
" Certainly, dear papa; X will be there in a moment," and a
few moments afterward, she ran up the stairs, into the attic room
of her father, with the little china plate in ber hand, and the
white napkin throwa over ber arm. Ameliu presented, in ber
short apron and ber hair smoothly combed, the neatest-looking
waiting-girl who ever spread a table.
"Zounds ! what a precious pancake you bring me, I ara just
in the spirits fo relish your dish much; and I think you ob-
served last night that something àgreeable had happened fo your
father #"
"Yes, dear papa; but what is if ?"
"I wish you fo marry, chfld."
"Marry !" replied Arnelia, rather startled, "you call that
pleasant # X should thinlc since you two were married you bave
had much trouble and sorrow."
" Of course, sometimes. If is unfortunate that there is no
perfect cloudless happiness on this earth," replied the lieutenant-
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