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178 THE #KJUIe-BOI’.
colonel, with sentimental pathos. "But ff a couple love each
other as your mother and myself do, they will bear the good and
evfl days together, in true love and... "’ concord, the lieutenant-
colonel was about to add, but amended the word, and said–
Ameli2s lips were moved with a slight# smi]e. She well knew
how much ber father was troubled fo give a satisfactory answer
¢o ber question. She considered if, however, ber duty as a child
fo remain silent, and the lieutenant-colonel was therefore obliged
fo resume the conversation himself, which ho did without delay,
nsing the often used, but more often abused sentence, that strait-
ened circumstances were often obliged fo produce disputes in a
family, which otherwise would hot happen but Amelia would
hot have #o fear such a thing under the present matrimonial
proposal, as the suitor was wealthy.
To the great amazement of ber father, Amelia showed hot the
least curiosity, as a sentiment of maidenly modesty forbade ber
fo mention Borgenstierna’s naine, and if if should happen fo ho
another person she would be informed of if soon enough.
"I, Iave you no desire to know the naine of your future hus-
band#" inquired ber father, and felt inward joy at the skilfulncss
which ho had used fo give the subject such a turn, that if would
appear as though the question was settled.
But Amelia was a clever girl, and was hot to be cuught so
"Of my future husband #" s#id she, shaking ber head. "All
is hot fmished when one presents himself as a suitor, that is only
one side of the question–something more important remains,
namely, whether ho will be accepted."
"Ay! concerning that," interrupted the lieutenant-cglonel,
with so much haste that the l)iece of pancake whîch ho was
eating came nearly choking him, causing him to cough violently,
" I should think that a well-bred daughter would only see
through ber parents’ eyes, and follow their advice."
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