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who knew how fo exert his talents and elocluence in such an
unworthy manner."
"Dear papa, I will hOt deny but that if is a great fault fo
laugh af the foolishness of others, but I assure you, that even
with the best intentions, I could hot overcome a smile #vhen I
saw the ridicu]ous manners, and heard the silly words of the
chamberlain, in which he served up Iris ideas. They were so
uncouth and so silly, that I #vas of¢en obliged fo turn away my
face fo conceal my laughter."
":By this, you only expose yourself and your parents. :[ have
often told you before, and tell you again, that there is nothing
#vhich so much proves a vulgar descent, and a bad education, as
the evil custom of laughing. Vulgar people laugh; educated
people, fo say the most, only twist the mouth, and this is done
in a manner, that there remains still a doubt as fo what causcd
the smile."
"Yes, but, papa, I assure you that if #s utterly impossible for
me to accustom myself fo such a stalle; especially when one,
whose outward appearance already proves him fo be a fool, uses
stupid language# then I must either turn my face aside or laugh
right out."
"But I do not wish you fo laugh af anybody. I tell you
now, once for all, I hope that you #vill obey me."
"Yes, if I should ever happen fo meet him again, I shall cer-
tainly take all pains fo do as you desire me," replied 2kmelia;
"but I hope, from the bottom of my hem% that the diftïcttl#
task wlfich you impose upon me will be spared me."
"As far as that is concerned, you are greatly mistaken, for he
is the very man who bas written #o me, and proposed for your
"What! if that is the case, I shall knit him one of the mos#
beautfful littlc mittens, and present if fo him; or, if you do hOt
think that appropriate, then––- Oh, wont you bave the kind-
ness, dear papa, to write fo him, ¢hat I was greatly obliged for
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