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the honour he bestowed upon me; but that the prospect of be-
coming Mrs. de Goesse was hOt, nevertheless, sufficiently alluring
fo prevail upon me fo leave the dear home of my beloved
parents #"
"Amelia," said the lieutenant-colonel, with returning com-
posure, for this unexpected frankness reassured him, "Amelia,
we #e poor. You need hOt hope fo bave a free choice like the .
daughter of a rich nobleman, or a wealthy citizen; you must
bear in mind that you bave hOt more than one suitor, and pro-
bably cannot count upon any more; you must, therefore, accept
whatever presents itself, or you will become aa old maid, and
will, perhttps, be compelled fo bat.tle your way through lffe as a
female overseer on a large estate, or in some other way equally
This was certainly a very biffer pill for a young girl, who
could hOt 1)e withouL a small quantity of self-love and vaniLy,
and she therefore replied, somewhat excited–-
"I do not know, i##ther, how you can be so well aware of that
of which nobody can know. _h_t all events, however, I should
prefer being the servant of the most severe mistress than the
wife of a foolish man like the chamberlain. I would be obliged
fo blush for him aL least twenty rimes a day, and would bave to
be ashamed of his vanity, as, unfortunately, he is so vain, that
he thinks himself able fo converse on every subject, when he is
hOt able fo talk of Lhe most common-.place subjects in a reasonable
and proper manner."
"You dare, therefore, disobey your father’s commands, and defy
his wishes?" said the lieutenant-colonel, with suppressed anger.
":No, papa, I shall never do so–we need not carry the marrer
thus far, God be praîsed, for my papa is too tender a father, that
he should wish fo render his daughter miserable."
"But ff if is my firm, irrevocable will; supposing I write fo
De Goesse, and tell him that iL is our wish# and that he ca#
corne and continue his suit #"
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