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(1852) [MARC] Author: Emilie Flygare-Carlén Translator: Alex L. Krause
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184: T#E S#¢#WS-#OY.
tion, and they wcre hot easily diverted from if, as perhaps
through his means she might obtain the rnoney. It was cer-
tainly hot a very pleasant task fo tmdergo such an adventure,
by which she might hot only expose hersdf to rough treatrnent,
but also to refusal. But #vhen such an important question was
af stake, she could not view rnatters so minutely.
Amelia comrnenced by counting over ber jewelry, which she
had received, rime by rime, from ber aunts; she found that, aside
from the chain that we bave mentioned before, if was perhaps of
sufficient value fo encourage ber to make an endeavom-.
She determined to venture it, hot from a rornantic notion; for,
as we said before, there was nothing enthusiastic in Amelia’s
charactermnot the slightest trace of it; therefore, if was not in
emulation of the heroic Romans, but the devotedness of a child,
whose kind and pure heart wished fo help ber father out of his
difficulty, with which _A_rnelia reflected concerning the step which
she was about taking, and placed the inclination of ber heart
before the chair of practical reason.
The result of all these reflections was, previously to speak to
ber rnother, and hear whether ber father was really in the
difficulty which he pretended. If this was hot so, Amelia was
willing, with all ber heart, to gîve np the plan which she had
entertained; but if ber father was really in #vhat he sometimes
called a "scrape," then all petty objections would bave fo be
overruled# for Amelia sincerely believed that ber çather’s greates#
trouble was fo pay back the money fo the chamberlain.
Arnelia had entertained the intention of visiting ber friend
:Mina, the neighbouring pastor’s daughter, who was fo be married
in a short rime, and who had asked ber fo corn there that they
might hold an important consultation. This wa## a very titting
opport#mity fo attend fo ber own affairs also. She was glad
that she had such a pretext, and hurried #o her mother that she
raight tell ber what had occurred in papa’s room.
]#Iadarne De Dressen could hardly believe that Arnelia had

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