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(1852) [MARC] Author: Emilie Flygare-Carlén Translator: Alex L. Krause
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##[r. De Goesse, it would not be very delicate fo return if fo him
under present circumstances."
"Ah! but you do hOt consider if indelicate fo advise your
father. Go; do hOt let me again see you, until you bave though#
of something better, which your duty fo me as your father de-
mands of you."
Fully aware that if was hOt possible, af present, fo soothe ber
father, Amelia went down stairs, thanking God, that af leas# she
had attained so much. Her resolute air had had a visible effec#
upon him, and she believed, with good reason, tha# she migh#
enter#ain a hol#e , that she wotfld be allowed finally fo let the
marrer with De Goesse drop. On the other side, she reflected
what she would bave fo do fo furnish ber father with an answer
for the morning question. She had hOt exactly yet ruade up ber
mind how she would accomplish if; but had the consolation,
however, of having heard of the fact that #here was an old
gentleman who lived in the neighbourhood of Tunefors, who was
reputed very wealthy, and lent money on property, and #ho
sometimes bought valuable effects, fo relieve people from their
troubles. He #vas generally known by the name of the Old
l#Ian of the l#Iountain, l#obody knew who he #vas, and nobody
cared for him; only this much was known that he had corne to
the place many years before, and had bought an estate which
#vas called "the Mountain." #Ie lived there alone #vith an old
female domestic, shut.out from the world, as he pretended tha#
he was too poor fo kecp a man servant; and as for the money he
lent, it #vas always entrusted fo him by an old distant relative,
who had required him, in all cases, fo take the best securities.
All this had been told fo Amelia by the kitchen servants,
when they were together occasionally, as the duties of ber house-
#ork called ber fo the kitchen. The Old Man of the #Y[ountain
was, moreover, reputed fo be a morose and silen# man, and he
was apl#lied fo very unwillingly, and then only in cases of the
utmost necessity. Amelia’s thoughts had now taken that direc-

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