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kh/d of politeness, although iV would be diflïcult fo say what if
really meant. Ite looked sharply ai the unexpected visitor,
with his twinkling grey eyes; and on his brown wrinkled fore-
head there was hot a trace of benevolence fo be discovered.
There was somethin#, however, in his conduct which assured
Amelia that she need hOt be fearful of #ny impolite treatment.
"I bave a favour fo ask of you, #fr. Broger," suid she, in her
soft, friendly voice; which, although hot like thc voice of the
nightingale, sounded ncverthelcss very pleasant. Igwas as little
a coquettish whisper as a rasping gurgle; but if was a cle#r, full-
chest voicc, thaf sounds #vell fo the ear.
"What does if amount fo ?" inquired the old man; and, giving
# signal for the old domestic fo depaït, pointed with his hand
toward an old pine bench on the other side of the table.
Amelia #iped with ber handkerchief some crumbs of bread
and cheese from off the "se#t which had been oflbred ber, scated
herself, and reflected how she should make ber wishes known fo
the man.
"I ara informed tha# you sometimes a#s#st l#eople v¢ho are in
"I already ]#now #vhaç the young lady desires; but you bave
been wrongly informed," interrupted the old man, roughly.
"I am a poor man, as every body may see, and such false
rumours are only spread by bad peoplc to bang vagrants and
other wicked folks abou# my neck."
"In tha# case, I ara sorry tha# I bave corne for no purpose,"
replied Amelia, who had been prepared for such an introduction,
and thercforc did hot lose ber courage in. the lcas#. "Yes, I am
very sorry, for I have something with me which, perhaps, is
worth more than the amount of money I need."
"Oh, indeed, the young lady bas valuablcs with her. But, as
I said before, I mysclf bave hot a farthing fo lend; although I
some#imes take it upon mysclf fo negotiate small sums upon
commission; but such aflhirs are always a little ticklish, aad I
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