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"No, if is not possible that you should be seriously offended af
something so natural as my inclination fo be alone. Moreover, I
must tell you for friends should be fran]# toward each other–
that I did not feel af home in your bouse. This may appear
strange to you, but believe me, as dark and gloomy as I may be,
inwardly, the icy frost of darkncss with which ¥ir##nia covers
everything around her, #vcighs heavy upon me, as she appears in
a more striking contrast fo your own gay disposition, which is
neither disturbed nor obstructcd for a moment by the repulsive
behaviour of your wife.
"#Vith you I bave seen what is wedded life without unity of
character and inclination. You certainly strive to repay your-
self by a mass of pleasures, and your wife does hot seem fo fecl
that if should be otherwisei but I bave, during my short stay af
your bouse, after our journey, become firm in my determination
fo bid i#arewell to the plan which af lcast I partly entertained,
and which evidently had takcn possession of my hea##. Belote
that rime I did not know how much one partner in marriage is
able fo embitter the lire of the other, l#]:y poor ]V[atflda bas
certainly suffercd more than I ever dreamed ofi and Amelia–
what would be hc# lot, fo be bound fo a husband of my gloomy
disposition ? She–with ber young hcart full of life–she would
wecp and sigh about me as you do for #rirginia. Even if she
could be able fo console herself, by the light conduct I so often
see in you, she would bave, as ber gay humour would hot fail fo
exert, now and then, a favourablc impression upon me–fo use
the mildest expression–certainly no reason fo be rejoiced af a
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