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sudden return of my iii-humour. I already tremble a# the
#hought of such a misalliance.
"I)o hot believe tha# these words are the productions of a
diseased ima#nation, which bas seized me since my last sorrow.
and since nay entire solitude. ¥ou must know that Diana bas
ceased fo recognise me with the usual caresses which she used in
times long past. #o, Wirén, what I just said is not the creation
of unmanly weakness. I ara not ashamed #o confess that the
dog’s dea#h bas much moved me, and grieves me yet; but for what
purpose bave we a soul but #o contend wiçh the natural tendency
of out nature, which s#rives #o submit #o pain involun#arily, and
fo conquer these inclinations victoriously ? The power of the
will, is power already halt" gained; but halfness is always per-
rection, and, I am sorry fo say, #his is probably the reason why
I ara able fo surfer with firrnness that pain which I cannot pre-
vent, and fo give ano#her direction fo rny feelings, conduct, and
whole lire.
"’ Why,’ you inquire of me in your last let#er, ’ do you bury
yourself in such deep, gloomy ponderings ? Whoever #ells hhn-
self, with a pleasing and just pride, tha# he had risen from #he
darkness which surrounded his early youth, by his own exer#ions;
that he had schooled his own #alen#s; and had enlarged his know-
ledge, gaining for himself, by his own exer#ions, an honoured
naine and an independent position in #he world, fo be af last
enablcd #o follow the fl’ee choice of his laear# what reason bas
he fo be gloomy #’
"l#riend Wirén, did you ever inquire of the stream, why if did
hOt change ifs bed, from that which had been given if by nature #
"Try ifs, and the monotonous flow will tell you, that #he un-
interrupted law of nat,#re cannot be stayed. You may answer me,
’ _# volcanic convulsion may change ifs direction en#irely, and
throw iL in#o #he bosom of ano#her s#ream, in .whicl# ifs own
curren# is los#.’ _&ll well and good; but the consequences of any
erul#tions always produce evil, even in the domestic circle.
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