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"I do not like fo swim against the current of my own inclina-
tions, for I know beforehand ttmt #he trouble would be for
"#either should you believe that it is ellvy or discontent
which prevents me from sprin#ng over the #flf tha# separates
me from the spot on which stood my ancestors. #o; from such
seutiments I #m as far #st#nt as hcavcn Js from earth, #nasnmch
as I bave ever ente##ined the though# of enhr#ng that #lf;
and # I sho#d ever corne fo the coaclusioa of offering my hand
to the daughter of # proud and ra#-loving man, the first proof
of ber devotedaess fo me mus# be that she wo#d consent to
dcscend to that position in ]ife which I intend fo maintain.
"hIore conce#ing tMs poiat #t another t#e. h[y business
now ca#. You must know I am only the drcamer #hen
I am alone in my little room, or when I ara su#ounded by the
co#usion and h#oil of thc world. Among my own people,
#hen my estab#shment is #n fifll blast, amid the working men
in my ta#e#, I ara no# the same man. There ut least I am
fl#fiy awake; and although real q#etness and conten# d#ing
the work #e straugers to me, I do hOt af least fccl th#t etern#
voidness, which troubles me so much and hbour is t#e OEe
fo me.
"#ow farewell, Wirén, dear brother of my h#. Give my
compl#ents to your wifc, #d forgive me for preferring fo
spend my C#tmas ne# my o# #eside##though Roesto#»
is ve# lonely and #ea# d##g the winter; but my misanthropy
wo#d s#cly #creasc # I sho#d know that I ## h the neigh-
bourhood ofyour wife. If V#gini# #as less be#ut#l, ber d#-
ne# #ould be lem repulsive ; #d if you were no# one of those
happy #fted beings, whom the Creator brough# fo#h #
# pcc#iarly frien#y moment, #hen u gayer and wa#.er sun
shonc over the dimnes# of cash» then I should considcr you
one of the most unh#ppy of husbands. But yo# #comp##hen-
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