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(1852) [MARC] Author: Emilie Flygare-Carlén Translator: Alex L. Krause
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"Although yom" letter relating fo my bouse, and its principal
article of luxury, my wife, contains mattèrs which may be for-
given only fo # friend, who is diseased in mind, it has, neverthe-
less, rendered me thc utmost service, especially as it refcrs to the
cure which if bas effected in Virginia. Judge for yottrself
whether I bave not every reason tobe grateful fo you. As to
matters concerning yourself we shall chatter, after I havc com-
munîcated to you all in relation to my wifc and to mysclf.
" After I had rend your letter thr0ugh, it struck my mind
that I owed fo my wife a littlc attention, and should inform her
of the judgment of # man conccrning ber, for whom she fec]s #
high degree of esteem, in ber own way. I went to hcr room,
where she sat in all the glory of a housewife, preparing #ny shirt-
" ’ Dear Virgin##,’ said :[, in s half #-Tieved tonc–-I ara sure,
ai least, that if sounded grieved, for I felt somewh#tt deprcsscd–
’ I bave receivcd vcry unplcasant n##’s.’
"’ I ara sorry tbr if,’ replicd my wife, in such an unconccrned,
and indiffcrent nmnncr, as though thcre was nothing af stakc
but the shir#-frills.
"I do hot know how if happcncd #vhether I had bcc#. cxcited
by cert«in remarks h# your letter about ¥irginia, or whcther
something else gricved me; in short, I was ai first really a#gry
#v-ith ber. :But can one more c#tsily bccome excited thon af #
#voman, who rescmbles #n ber outwarci appearancc, her position,
«md ber whole conduct, # complote automaton # Thc consc(luence

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