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was, that I replied fo ber with unusual violence, ’ I do not
think that you would be grieved at anything, even did you hear
that I had brokcn my neck.’ Without answering, she looked ai
me with an air of reproach. Tkis was certainly more than I
ever beforc had seen. Every trace of iii-humour vanished, and
grasping ber hand and kissing ber–’ Would it hot grieve you
some, #irginia,’ said ]:, ’ would if hot arouse you from your
usual apathy, ff you should suddenly hear that you had become
a widow ]’
"’ Without doubt,’ said she, slowly, but this saine ’ without
doubt,’ I had heard her say at the most indifferent things, and I
felt displeased beyond all measure, that she did hOt choose a more
fitting expression. ]#Iy iii-humour and my angcr increased fo a
greatcr degree. I restrained my excited feclings, and bending
over her, said, in the saine tonc, ’Take c#trc of your shirt-frills ;
you are spoiling them.’
"Cooled off, I arose, and was about dcl)arting , when I thought
of your letter, and taking it out, read aloud thc pas#ges referring
to her. Would you believe it ? she blushed; yes, blushed îudeed,
when I rcad the following words, with al)propriate accent:
’#Ioreover, I must tcll you for friends should bc frank toward
each other that I did hot feel at home in your bouse. This
may al)peau, strange fo you; but believe me, as daa’k and gloomy
as I may be, inwardly, the icy fi-ost of darkncss with which your
wife covers cverything around her, weighs heavy upon me, as she
appears in a more striki##g contrast fo your own gay disposition,
which is neithcr disturbcd nor obstructed for a moment by the
repulsive behaviour of your wife’–and further below.
"’ My compliments to your wife, and forgive me for preferring
fo spcnd my Christmas ncar my own fireside–although I#oestor 1)
is very loncly and drcary during the winter; but my misa##-
#hropy would surely increase if I should know that I was
in the ncighbourhood of your wffe. If ¥irginia was less beau-
tiful, hcr dulness wotfld bc legs repulsive ; #md ff you were hot
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